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Welcome to CHEQ 2.0
- for children and teenagers 6-18 years

In the questionnaire you will be asked about some activities that typically require the use of two hands. For those of you with upper limb reduction deficiency who are using prostheses, two hands means that you are doing the activity using one hand and one prosthetic hand. For each activity there are several sub-questions. Please base your answers on the way in which the activities have been performed during the past month.

As a parent you can fill out the questionnaire yourself or together with your child. Adolescents and older children may fill it in themselves. However, please consider that it might be tiring for children to fill in all the questions with due care.

For children below 13 years of age, we recomend parents to fill in the questionaire.

The result from CHEQ 2.0 must be downloaded and submitted. On most mobile devices, it is difficult to save documents, so please use a computer.

When no personal data is stored, no consent needs to be obtained according to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).


Also Visit: Logo for AHA (Assisting Hand Assessment) Logo for MACS (Manual Ability Classification System) Logo for ACMC (Assessment of Capacity for Myoelectric Control)