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Welcome to Mini-CHEQ
- for children 3-8 years

Mini-CHEQ is a new version of CHEQ 2.0 where the activities have been adjusted to fit younger children, age 3-8 years. The questionnaires in CHEQ have the same structure – the difference is the number and type of activities. Mini-CHEQ contains 21 activities; several are the same as in CHEQ 2.0 whereas some have been omitted or replaced.

In this questionnaire you, as a parent or other adult, will be asked to respond to how the child experiences the use of the deficient hand or prostheses in activities that typically require use of two hands. For children with upper limb reduction deficiency who use prostheses, two hands means doing the activity using one hand and one prosthetic hand. For each activity there are 3-4 sub-questions. Please base your answers on the way in which the activities have been performed during the past month. If there is an activity that the child doesn’t do independently, but gets help, please respond based on how it works if the child tries for him/herself?

Since Mini-CHEQ is a completely new and un-tested version of CHEQ, the summery of the results I given as mean of raw score. Mini-CHEQ needs further studies of validity and reliability. You may contribute to this by agreeing to your therapist sending the de-identified data-file to

The result from Mini-CHEQ must be downloaded and submitted. On most mobile devices, it is difficult to save documents, so please use a computer.

Thank you for your contribution!

When no personal data is stored, no consent needs to be obtained according to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).


Also Visit: Logo for AHA (Assisting Hand Assessment) Logo for MACS (Manual Ability Classification System) Logo for ACMC (Assessment of Capacity for Myoelectric Control)